My stone for sculpting begin directly in a block of marble or a random chunk of stone. I calm my mind and limit the surrounding distractions and begin to carve the block all around just trying to get acquainted with its hardness and graining--its nature. Then as I begin to take away the flat edges and expose contours and masses some things occur to me and I begin to chase after these initial images--sometimes hurriedly. I have gone from start to finish like this in a 3 day period but often I have to abandon these initial impressions as I begin to see a much better figurative shape that wasn't obvious in the beginning, this then is what I work to refine. It is a deeply fulfilling experience for me making it very difficult to stop stone for sculpting some days! Because I don't use a clay model always to copy in the stone sculpting my work is more abstract than just purely figurative. There isn't a way to put the pieces back together and start over and I value individual expression. Museum quality Marble Statuary and Marble Busts hand carved busts from natural stone . We can also carve your own custom bust.
-Natural marble stone for sculpting
-100% hand stonefor sculpting statues by the natural marble blocks
-The marble stone for sculpting statues size will be customized according to your design
-All the stone for sculpting statues parts are made by famous sculptor
-The garden stone for sculpting statues creates the beautiful garden and value investment