we are stone carving supplier in China, we have the top sculptors here, and we produce the statue stone carving products every month for our customers in Europe and USA, When clay is fired it is known as terra cotta and is very durable and amazing--taking a wide spectrum of colorful, extraordinary glazes. Terra Cotta sculptures are an affordable way to own really ambitious works of contemporary sculpture at a fraction of the cost of natural stone. I look forward to working on something for you. You can contact New Home Stone through the link above or simply call from the number at the top of this page. My stone carving suppliers run the gamut from architectural elements to figurative classical sculpture and portraits. Marble is my preferred stone but there are many places where granite is the right answer.
-Natural marble stone carving suppliers
-100% hand stone carving statues by the natural marble blocks
-The white marble stone carving statues size will be customized according to your design
-All the stone sculptures are from stone carving supplies directly
-The garden stone carving statues creates the beautiful garden and value investment